Online Classes
Online classes for competitive exam such as Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidyanik Exam are very critical as this is very special exam. Such prestigious exams never ask straightforward questions, Concepts are simple but questions are always applied.

This program focuses on strengthening the student’s conceptual clarity of the fundamentals in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Our course is designed in such a way that inculcates the habit of application of concepts there by paving way for effective learning.

Once you join our online class you will get guidance on enrolling for examination, detailed syllabus for the examination, books you can follow, simple methods to understand basic concepts, personal guidance, 5 full practice test papers, guidance on practical’s, projects and interview.

The most important benefit of online classes is that it will give opportunity to students to interact with faculty directly. In today’s world of Covid epidemic it is very important to stay home and stay safe and at the same time continue learning. In modern world where distance and time becomes deciding factors if students can go to class or not, online class remains the option.

First of its kind approach for success in Dr. Homi

Bhabha Balvaigyanik Exam


Solve Dr. Homi Bhabha Exam’s 20 years old question papers with detailed answer discussion and possible parallel questions.

We are Synergy Science Academy especially known in entire Maharashtra for Dr. Homi Bhabha Young Scientist Competition. This is academy run by Scientist and hence our students always shine in this exam.


1)            Why to solve old question papers from beginning?


2)            Should we study Homi Bhabha Balvaigyanik Exam question paper after completing syllabus?


3)            Why to solve these questions papers by direct interaction with teachers?


4)            Why parallel questions are very important


5)            How our online program will work?



1)   Why to solve old question papers from beginning ?

Solving old question paper is very important as students will understand

a) Nature of questions,

b) MCQs given for confusion,

c) What kind of analytical thinking is required?

d) Prepare for exam accordingly.


Our experience for last 11 years in this exam preparation suggests us that students should solve these question papers early as they will understand type of questions asked and study accordingly


2) Should we study Homi Bhabha Balvaigyanik Exam question paper after completing syllabus?

No doubt completing syllabus is very important but we present another perspective and our results for this another thought are very encouraging. If students start solving old question papers early they do preparation much better.


We always advice our students to again solve all question papers after completing entire syllabus. These papers should be solved independently in given time frame and check answers. In this way their practice also happens.


3) Why to solve these questions papers by direct interaction with teachers?

Today there is technology boom in education sector. Anyone with little knowledge of subject and exam, develop website and plan for test series.

Such test series are not important for students as they do not discuss the answers in detail. Is it not important for students to know if answer “a” is correct or b or c or d.

Most important thing, students should understand why answer “a” is correct. Students have many doubts and it is teacher who describes it in great details.


Many times students get confused which unit to be used. Which formula needs to be used? Interaction with teacher is very important at many cases.  



4) Why parallel questions are very important

Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaigyanik Exam is very special exam. To the best of our knowledge questions are not repeated as it is. They make many twists in questions or MCQs.

Students must understand different approaches to ask same concept questions. In this special Test series we will discuss such possible parallel questions so that our students will be fully prepared.

5)            How our online program will work?

We will have class every week. For 6th Std it will be on Monday 7 to 8.30 pm and for 9th Std it will be on Tuesday 7 to 8.30 pm on Zoom meeting. Students can ask doubts on Whatsapp any time on given Whatsapp number  


For more information, please contact

Synergy Science Academy

M: 880 533 4100 or 9970 970 888


About us

We, Synergy Science Academy, are team of expertise educationalists who had a decade of experience in educational and research sector. We are specially known in entire Maharashtra for giving guidance on Dr. Homi Bhabha Balvaidyanik Spardha which can also be referred as Dr. Homi Bhabha Young Scientist Competition

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